
What We Offer

Be a smart and adaptive company in rapidly changing world.

We want our clients to integrate and create impact with confidence.
SSL guides clients through each step of the ESG & Impact journey. We provide professional consultancy and network. Start your journey now.

What We Offer

ESG & Impact Integration

Increased financial returns can go hand-in-hand with responsible business.
Investors are increasingly motivated to incorporate an ESG implementation strategy
into their portfolio decisions. With impact investing becoming mainstream,
investors seek to bring ESG factors to the forefront of their financial models.
We provide tailored investment solutions, helping clients maximize
their portfolio performance, capture opportunities and reduce risk.

We’ll help your business :
  • Design a robust ESG investment process, policy and governance and reporting system
  • Create a sustainable investing internal guideline and criteria build up
  • Establish a portfolio strategy review related to long-term investment goals and aspirations
What We Offer

Turn-around & Value-up

The role of corporate actors in society has significantly evolved in recent decades,
and corporations are now widely recognized as accountable to shareholders,
employees, and the communities in which they operate. We are committed to advising
corporates that have embraced this shift in expectations and seek to produce
a positive impact for their stakeholders – whether through sustainability strategies or
establishing corporate-funded ESG investment funds.

We’ll help your business :
  • Develop a sustainability strategy and business performance alignment view
  • Develop a 3-5 years sustainable business roadmap for ESG value up
  • Define, design, and manage key ESG programs
What We Offer

Measurement & Communication

We advise clients on how to increase company valuation by establishing what corporate
sustainability disclosures matter most to their investors and identifying opportunities
to provide quantifiable, time-bound metrics in key performance areas.
We help develop a careful process for transparent disclosures, monitor relevant
country-specific regulations, and seek the balance between the disclosure of short and
long-term performance metrics for sustainable business growth.

We’ll help your business :
  • Quantify and model financial gains and performance on sustainability issues
  • Establish a sustainability reporting guideline with drafting support
  • Manage programs with consistent monitoring and communication
What We Offer

Research & Case studies

ESG reporting best practices and benchmarking research allow our partners and clients
to better understand the current market and industry trends. We focus on improving
their sustainable performance by analyzing the winning practices of world-leading
companies and helping them choose the most appropriate benchmark to uncover
operational best practices and identify organizational gaps hindering their journey to
socially responsible business management.

We’ll help your business :
  • Provide research on topics that can advance sustainable investing, including societal, cultural, macro and systemic changes, and impacts of regulation
  • Develop an understanding of the pressures on your business and associated risks
  • Benchmark and Gap Analysis with peer group

Projects We’re proud of

We work, learn, and share approaches to
ensure continuous improvement of methodologies.

We have worked on a range of ambitious projects for companies looking to make a difference in their impact on people and the environment.
From comprehensive sustainability strategies to high-quality due diligence services, we cater to various business needs for industries worldwide.

Pan-Asia Global PE : ESG integration project

Establishing a comprehensive ESG implementation strategy.

Partnering with Pan-Asia Global PE,
we established a solid ESG & impact management framework, roadmap and policy,
and a due diligence policy, process and services for potential investee companies.
We also provided ESG & impact management services for
all investee companies to ensure complete cohesion through Pan-Asia Global PE’s
business and asset management.

Impact VC :
ESG approach in global VC market benchmarking

Providing benchmarking research on VCs.

Working closely with an impact VC in Korea, we researched the leading global VCs to provide
benchmarking insights into their ESG integration approach, strategy and process.
We also provided research on ESG industrial materiality issues and implementation
cases. This led to a customized advisory we provided, including a gap analysis
for developing their ESG integration process.

Insurance Company :
ESG strategy development

Establishing the ESG management and investment strategy, roadmap and action plan.

One of the largest insurance company in Asia wanted to establish their ESG governance
and decision-making process. We worked alongside them to provide support as well as
case studies on the current ESG product/investment practices of leading global financial
companies, so they could take concerted steps to stand out from their competitors.

Multiple ESG strategy and implementation projects

Providing research studies on ESG investment and engagement.

We extensively researched ESG investment and management approaches by key
sub-industries such as healthcare and energy, established effective sustainability
strategies and KPIs and provided invaluable workshops and training on current
sustainability and ESG trends and challenges.

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